How To Mount Your Motorised Curtain Track
Outside Recess Fit Curtain Track

Select this option if you want to fit your curtain tracks outside your window recess.
Inside Recess Fit Curtain Track

Select this option if you want to fit your curtain tracks inside your window recess. Please deduct 2cm from the window width measurement you supply to ensure that the track fits within the recess.
Help with measuring your curtain track
Use a metal tape measure for accuracy.
- Decide if your electric curtain track will be fitted within the recess or outside of.
- Factor in the fabric stack (the gathered fabric when your curtains are open) when deciding your track length.
Inside or outside window recess
If you choose to fit your curtain tracks inside your window recess, please deduct 2cm from the window width measurement you supply to ensure that the track fits within the recess. (Please note, curtains fitted inside the window recess will cover a portion of your window opening when they are drawn apart.)
When fitting curtain tracks outside of the recess, please consider the fabric stack and allow for clearance, if required, when specifying your width.
Help Guides Measuring curtain inside recess
Measuring curtain outside recess